6 Ways to Eliminate Stress When Buying or Selling A Property

Photo Credit: Francisco Sosa Lemus
In this economy, being stressed out has become a fixture in everyday life and selling or buying a property might add to the list of things that try to break us. While you have little or no control over how the entire selling or buying process pans out, the good news is that you have the power to control how you react to it! Be prepared to deal with issues head on when they arise by following a few simple steps:

1.       Choose Your Agent Carefully: An experienced professional will be prepared for any sort of outcome in the selling or buying process, putting the interest of the buyer AND the seller before personal gain, because they know it’s a win-win situation when their clients are happy with the transaction

2.       Be Prepared: keep things in perspective and be sure to map out a plan of best and worst case scenarios before starting the buying or selling process. For home buyers this could mean creating a list of your ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ of property features before scheduling a viewing. This way, you know when to settle and where to draw the line. For sellers, let your agent know the lowest possible offer you are willing to accept at the start of the process, shield yourself from unserious buyers from the get-go. Also, let your agent know the ideal value you expect and what would make the rest of the year completely blissful for you!

3.       Be Realistic: ‘Don’t set yourself up for failure’ heard this before? It is especially important to be realistic about what you hope to achieve from your real estate goals, talk them over with your agent and be sure they are achievable within the parameters of your budget, geographical location etc.

4.       Home buyers, get mortgage preapproval: Having your finance ready eliminates the heart-clenching waiting periods or surprises from lenders after you’ve found your dream property

5.       Focus on Something Else: Yes, selling or buying a property is a big deal, we get it but be sure to have distractions that will ease stress and requires the undivided attention of your body and mind. A gym subscription always comes in handy!

6.       Take a deep breath: when you are in a stressful situation, identify that you are getting or have gotten worked up and work to alleviate the tension. Are your shoulders tight and raised up to your ears? Is your neck so tight you can’t turn your head or has your heart rate gone up because of all the deep sighs you’ve taken in the last 5 minutes? Relax, take a deep breath and let them out slowly. Distance yourself from the stress triggers and return with an open, freer mind.

Open, honest communication with your agent is another way to de-stress. Let a RE/MAX agent guide you, find one here: http://remax.ng/officeagentsearch.aspx

Do you have any tips on how to eliminate or reduce stress during the buying or selling process, share with us in the comment box!
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