Lamudi's Do's and Dont's of Being A Tenant

We’ve all heard the horror stories about the landlords from hell. But what about tenants? Have you ever gone for a viewing of an apartment and it felt like you stepped into a crash site? Yup, tenants have been known to also bring along their fair share of baggage!  Let’s take a look at some things that can save you a few angry phone calls from your landlord.

1.    Don’t be late for a viewing, at least no later than 15 minutes.
2.    Do call the real estate agent if you’re going to be late or if you can’t attend the viewing.
3.    Don’t walk into to the viewing making derogatory remarks towards something you don’t fancy. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” As said by Thumper from Bambi
4.    Do view the whole property – look at the whole property first and then review any problems with the real estate agent or landlord. Renting or buying someone else’s property is always a trade-off. You will always love some parts of the property and some you don’t. The secret is to find a property with more positives than negatives.
5.    Don’t compare the “small” Egbeda house with a luxurious six bedroom Abuja house featuring 24/7 CCTV, security station, swimming pool, 24-hour electricity supply, tennis court, running tracks, children’s playground and servants quarter in Abuja. Egbeda is not Abuja.
6.    Do take into consideration that Abuja is one of the fastest growing city’s in Africa, competition is fierce and the city charges varying rates for every lifestyle element, from food and education, to parking and entertainment.
7.    Don’t lie about the number of pets you have and the type of pet they are.
8.    Do explain the number of pets, children, domestic staff, cars and boats you have from the beginning. This way the real estate agent can seek out properties tailored to your needs.
9.    Don’t buy or rent a house without first getting the needed information, in terms of location, taste and expectations. Take your time to plan properly to avoid mistakes, especially when coming from a different country.
10.  Do be realistic with your budget and the type of house you can rent or buy.

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